apocalypse zine

apocalypse project statement

What is apocalypse about?
The purpose of this zine is to have an open and subjective engagement with the overall theme of apocalypse. It engages the notions of shift, revelation and catastrophe. apocalypse attempts to emphasize the material and objective condition of the world without denying subjectivity and individuality. apocalypse is neither purely conceptual nor physical – it aims for harmony.

It is not about cultural studies, nor is it attempting to illustrate the historic genesis of the term apocalypse. It exists to question the shape of the world – to address our current time, the intensification of madness and violent structures, as well as hope, wit and the search for form.

The people involved in the project come from a wide variety of disciplines. Different and remote positions challenge cultural norms and don’t create a pseudo-homogenous field of discourse.

All participants are joined within a poetic and curious approach. Contradictions and similarities emerge within the contributions, both of which are neither forced nor concealed.

Sarah Sharafi, Vienna 2022

apocalypse submission requirements

A break in time, destruction and revelation of the new – you are invited to address apocalypse from your personal point of view. Your submission can be an elaborated series of photographs or collages, single pictures, drawings, poetry, an essay, snippets and scraps – anything you find interesting and meaningful in the context of apocalypse zine. There is no theme, just the overall term of apocalypse. You can either work towards it or hand in works that happen to have a connection and stand in dialogue with the concept already.

The format of apocalypse is 20 x 27 cm, it is photocopied in black and white. Please send your images in a format of A3 or bigger, with the image quality and resolution appropriate to your project and add the title, media and year of the work. The editing process is an artistic process. If you have special wishes or demands on how your work should be presented, please let us know in advance.

Send your submission or request to studio@apocalypse-zine.net. Looking forward to hear from you!

apocalypse submission requirements

A break in time, destruction and revelation of the new – you are invited to address apocalypse from your personal point of view. Your submission can be an elaborated series of photographs or collages, single pictures, drawings, poetry, an essay, snippets and scraps – anything you find interesting and meaningful in the context of apocalypse zine. There is no theme, just the overall term of apocalypse. You can either work towards it or hand in works that happen to have a connection and stand in dialogue with the concept already.

The format of apocalypse is 20 x 27 cm, it is photocopied in black and white. Please send your images in a format of A3 or bigger, with the image quality and resolution appropriate to your project and add the title, media and year of the work. The editing process is an artistic process. If you have special wishes or demands on how your work should be presented, please let us know in advance.

Send your submission or request to studio@apocalypse-zine.net. Looking forward to hear from you!

Participants of the first issue

Amanda Hohenberg

Liudmila Kirsanova

Sophie Le Roux

Rainer Menke

Lauren Moya Ford

Conrad Müller

Tobias Muno

Albertine Sarges

Sarah Sharafi

Holger Schulze

Paula Tietjen

Participants of the second issue

Graham Hains

Liudmila Kirsanova

Oliver Leu

Gohar Martirosian

Rainer Menke

Merri Mkrtchian

Renata Paskal

Gohar Sargsyan

Sarah Sharafi

Laura Schreiner

Natasha Tarr

Paula Tietjen

apocalypse #1

apocalypse #2